Saturday, December 31, 2011

Thierry Henry acquisition makes perfect sense

In the last few days, I've carefully read all the commentaries regarding Thierry Henry's loan move back to Arsenal. 

As expected, most of the pro-Man United and 'non-affiliated blogs were not complimentary of the move. However, I was surprised by a few ex-Arsenal players claiming they were not 'convinced' about it either.

I completely disagree. I think it was a brilliant move. Why the difference between my view and the 'experts'?

For starters, while pundits are focusing on protecting Henry's legacy, Wenger and Henry are focused on boosting the moral of fans and younger players in the squad. Thierry Henry has nothing to lose. He already has his statue erected at Emirates. What are they going to do? Pull down the statue if he doesn't score? Henry's mission is less about himself and more about ensuring that the legacy he and many others left behind remains intact. Arsenal must continue to be a force in Europe and the English Premier League, and Henry can help with that mission.

Secondly Henry provides cover to those players departing for the African Nations Cup. Gervinho, who has been Robin Van Persie's sidekick in the Arsenal attack, will be lacing his boots for his country Cote-De-Voire at the Nations Cup. He plays on the left side, which works perfectly fine for Henry.

Thirdly, he provides the much needed leadership to Arsenal's very young squad. What better motivation for younger players than training and playing alongside your childhood idol? More importantly, he's part of the last great squad that won titles for the club. If the current Arsenal players have any hopes of winning games and titles, who better to help them understand what it takes?

Additionally, Arsenal are not buying anyone when the January transfer season opens, so fans might as well get used to having Henry around.

Finally, he's still got it. He may have lost some pace, but he's still one of the most intelligent players that ever played the game. Playing in the MLS is not exactly as shabby as anyone thinks. If it was, then why was David Beckham able to still play for England and go on loan to AC Milan? Why is he still being courted by the biggest clubs in the world? I don't hear any English critics questioning Beckham's ability to keep playing. Why Henry's?

Enough! The guy can play, period. 

Thierry, lace up your boots and show them what you've got!!!

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