Saturday, December 24, 2011

Suarez/Terry Race Saga: Let's Get Back to Playing Ball!!!

Much has been made about racial abuse in the Premiership lately, with Luis Suarez and John Terry playing prominent roles in the issue. However, with the Boxing Day fixtures around the corner, it's time to play ball again.

But before we move on to why we all love this game so much, Footy Bozz will attempt to set the record straight with our thoughts on the Race Sage -

What they did wrong?

  1. Luis Suarez - Any insinuations towards an opponent's skin color in a game situation cannot be complimentary, therefore it's wrong. He needs to apologize to Patrice Evra
  2. John Terry - Same goes for Terry. I know he's is still being persecuted and he is innocent until proven guilty. But Footy Bozz is going by what was seen on tape. He certainly wasn't complimentary towards Anton Ferdinand in his comments caught on tape.
  3. The FA - The eight match ban is pretty harsh, not giving Suarez the benefit of the doubt on grounds of cultural ignorance in appropriate language to use. Unlike the western part of the word, 'Negro' is still a word commonly used in latin america in reference to people of African decent. However, when used to taunt an opponent, it can't be complimentary. Footy Bozz strongly believes the FA harsh ban was imposed to gain political credit for fighting racism, in addition to punishing Suarez. 
  4. Liverpool Fooball Club - They have the right to support their player and keep the team and fans motivated. It probably wasn't right to further p**s off the FA, considering Suarez still has another charge hanging on him
Now, LET'S PLAY!!!

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