Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wenger needs a change in philosophy

Once again, Arsenal fans have proved to be the most profitable base of supporters in the English Premier League. By preying on their 'want-away' players rather than their Manager, Wenger gets a vote of confidence to continue his non-spending, profit-banking style of management.

When you consider Wenger's background, his Fortune-500 style of management should not come as a surprise to anyone. He holds a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Economics; qualifications befitting for a College Professor.

In his own rights, he is indeed a master of his field; a Professor of Football, who enjoys teaching the game to teenagers and watching them blossom into well oiled football players. In so many ways, he is friend, guardian, mentor and parent to these young men in his care.

Unfortunately, just like teenagers who come of age, Wenger's wards show a tendency to want to move on once they complete their 'rights of passage'. Like a dotting parent, Wenger is reluctant to let go and loses all sense of reality in the false hope the disgruntled players would have a change of heart.

...not happening. Since Thierry Henry, most ex-Arsenal players have left the club in an unfriendly cloud, largely created by Wenger's painful philosophy of not spending big in the transfer market. According to his Wikipedia facts - 

"Wenger has spent his career building teams that combine the accumulation of silverware with a desire to entertain and attack, and as "a purist, dedicated to individual and collective technical quality".

Between 2004 and 2009, Wenger has averaged a $4.4M profit per year on transfers! While this may sound good for a Professor of Economics, his team has entertained and attacked without a Silverware since 2005.

Sadly, the kids no longer want to entertain and attack, they want to leave. They are grown, and seek the more ecstatic pleasure of winning trophies.

Arsene Wenger needs to change his philosophy. 

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