Friday, October 28, 2011

Robin doing fine without Batman

Like Nostradamus did with famous predications, everyone predicted the immediate demise of Arsenal football club with the sale of Cesc Fabregas to Barcelona FC.

Who wouldn't? Prior to the sale, Arsenal had lost Gael Clichy and Samir Nasri to Manchester City. With Fabregas's departure, the writing was surely on the wall for the London club. Then came back to back defeats, first at the hands of Liverpool at home, and then the devastating 8-2 loss to Manchester United on Match Day 3.

The club was thrown into turmoil and crisis. Without their talismanic 'Batman' (Cesc), there was no hope for the city of 'Gotham' (Arsenal). While the city 'burnt', one man went about a silent but very efficient crusade of cleaning the city and maintaining law and order.

Robin Van Persie took it upon himself to left Arsenal above the ashes on a steady ascendance back to the top half of the league table. In the course of this reverse trend, RVP has managed to notch seven goals in the premier league, nearly 50% of his club's 15 goals  this campaign

Ahead of the visit to Stamford Bridge tomorrow, I bet you Robin is feeling very confident against a shaky Chelsea back line that will feature a troubled John Terry and a mistake-prone David Luis.

'Batman' Fabregas may have gone to Barcelona, but Robin's holding down the Fort just fine. With a little help from 'Birdman' (Gervinho), Arsenal and Robin may just find themselves hanging close to the top four until January reinforcements arrive.

Arsene Wenger should not fail his gallant warrior come January transfer window.

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