Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gunners expose cracks at the Bridge: Chelsea 3 Arsenal 5

The game of the week for sure. From the start of the game, it looked like both teams were playing with only 3 defenders at the back. AVB made the mistake of playing Arsenal at their own game - attack for 90 minutes.

AVB chose to concentrate his midfielder in the center of the field and used his Full Backs as wingers. This greatly exposed Bosingwa's defensive lapses and allowed Van Persie and Santos to engineer their goals from his side of the pitch.

The young Chelsea Manager is also guilty of over-estimating his Captain's mental ability to keep his head in the game. Terry looked like he had his head in the game earlier on when he scored before the break. But once rattled at the start of the second half, Terry and Ivanovic collapsed under the weight of Robin Van Persie, Gervinho and Walcott's encroachments.

In Chelsea's previous defeats Villa Boas had been quick to point to poor officiating. Against Manchester United, he cried foul about the officiating rather than fault his team for not taking the numerous chances they created in front of goal. At QPR, his players lost control, but it was the Referee's fault as far as he was concerned.

After today, I hope he will find the courage to tell his players the following -

  • You all defended like s**t!
  • Release the ball when your team mate is in a scoring position (Sturridge)
  • Bosingwa, you are a defender not a winger
  • Mikel, make a difference for a change. What's the point of having a defensive midfielder and conceding 5 goals
  • Lukaku, looking like Drogba is not enough
  • Malouda, this is not the French national team. Your back pass looked like mutiny.
  • Cech, remove the head piece so you can see better. It's been over 3 years since the injury
  • Lampard, stop being selfish! Watch Juan Mata, he knows how to play
Mourinho and Ancelotti's teams would not have conceded 5 goals at the bridge today. Even Avram Grant would be disappointed!

Roman Abramovich must be having nightmares of fans singing 'You're getting fired in the morning'. Knowing how twisted he can be with Managers, he may just listen to the fans in his dreams.

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