Sunday, May 13, 2012

Manchester City are Champions: Pictures

My Daddy is my hero

Sienna Kompany looks like she needs a little help with the Barclays Premier League trophy just won by Dad, Vincent Kompany and his Manchester City teammates. 

"...there you are Dad, can you get this?"

Man City are Champs!!!

Reaping where you did not sow

...what happened? I thought we had it.

...nope, Phil (Jones), you don't got it! Get rid of the Sunderland shirt. You'll get one eventually when you retire from United and get sent to Sunderland, United's retirement home.

...well what do you know, Michael Owen is still with Manchester United. Even United fans did not know that! It's ok Mike, you still have one title more than your former Liverpool teammates. It doesn't matter that you barely broke a sweat for it either. Better luck next season as a coach/ballboy/player

"...damn, I almost dived myself to a title", says Scuba-diver, Ashley Young, who got more penalty calls spreading his legs in the air than an Escort gets tips from satisfied gents in a month.

Give the Escort business a go, Ashley.

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