Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hodgson talking out of both sides of his mouth

Roy Hodgson claims he does not believe that Peter Odemwingie has exaggerated the extent of his knee injury just days after criticising the striker.
The West Brom manager claimed earlier this week that the club had so far got "nothing" out of Odemwingie.
He also added that he was "difficult to work out" prompting the striker to take to Twitter to reveal a photo of the injury.
"If I thought he was malingering I would say so," said Hodgson.
"Interpretations are interpretations.
"It's been frustrating for us, having one of your best players out for a long period of time.
"We've been encouraged to think he'll be back a little bit earlier and of course that is also frustrating when it doesn't come off.
The Nigerian international has been out of action for a month with a knee injury and the photograph posted on Twitter revealed "an edema (accumulation of fluid) still present after 3 & a half weeks."
Despite Odemwingie taking to social media to vent his apparent frustration though Hodgson refused to be drawn on any problems between the pair.
"I wasn't even aware of it (Odemwingie's response on Twitter)- that's how much it has affected my idea of our relationship," he said.
"But I haven't put anything on social networking sites so you'll have to ask him if it's damaged his perception of our relationship.
"I think he's a very good player and I'm pleased to have him back."
The striker is set to return to action on Saturday when West Brom face Tottenham at the Hawthorns.

Hodgson has a history of feeding on his own players and fans to no positive effect. He tried this at Liverpool with Glen Johnson, Torres and the Kop.

He only got himself sacked 'the next morning', as management succumbed to the chanting songs of the Kop supporters to get Hodgson a taxi out of Anfield.

He may find himself in familiar territory again at West Brom if he doesn't start winning games instead of looking for a player to blame.


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