Saturday, July 23, 2011

'Buy British' Policy Worth the Money

I'm sure if you took a poll of a 100 English Premier League football fans today regarding the Tevez and Fabregas saga, 101 responders will tell you they can't wait to see them leave the league.

Reading the latest commentaries and news surrounding their continued 'bondage' and 'sufferings' in the hands of tyrannic clubs not willing to let them join their families and buddies, your heart will bleed for both.

My heart bleeds for the clubs who have to put up with modern day football divas. You would think we were talking about a 'Kadashian' being denied a camera crew or paparazzi in their bedrooms. Man City, while I don't care for them much, deserve some sympathy in this saga. Think about it -

  • they wrestled Tevez from the tender grips of city rivals United
  • initially pay him 150,000 big ones a week
  • revised that wage to more than 220,000 to make him not feel belittled by the African, Yaya Toure
  • gave him the Captain arm band so he would stop being grouchy
  • put up with his jungle ways and reluctance to learn the English language
Man U fans will tell you Man City deserved what they got, and that Sir Alex was right. True.

In Cesc case, it hasn't been quite as dramatic. However, if one more of his Spanish buddies or his 'childhood sweet heart' - Messi, say one more word about wanting an emotional reunion, I'll hang myself. Be done with him already!

What should Arsenal and Man City do? 

Cash in and buy British, that's what!

Yes, I know they are overpriced and never fully reach their potentials (we've been waiting a long time since Gerrard, Lampard and Rooney). But think about the Pros for a second -
  • they are going nowhere else, their families are close by
  • even if they do cross over to another local club, they will fetch a handsome sum for that inconvenience
  • if you buy them young, it's a long term investment
  • the fans love them
  • they are committed to the game (a liitle too much in tackles) and club
  • they don't have to travel far for international call ups
Look at young Jack Wilshere. Who wears the Gunners colors with more pride than the young lad? I watched young Flanagan, Martin Kelly and Jack Robinson (17 - 18 year olds) play their hearts out for an injury-hit Liverpool last season.

Man U has benefitted from having a core of British players over the last two decades. Even Chelsea with Lampard and Terry, have managed to keep the British lights on and energized their fan base. 

How long do you think it will be before the likes of Torres follow Fabregas back to Spain? Even Suarez, who just arrived at Anfield has '60+ goals and three years later' written all over his face. He has expressed a strong desire to play for Barcalona later in his career (like 1000 other top and mediocre players)

Let's go back to buying 'organic' and give Sir Alex and Man U a run for their money!

Buy British!!!

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