Saturday, February 11, 2012

Luis Suarez was dead wrong!

As a Liverpool fan, it delights me to watch the Reds take the field and fight in the old fashioned tradition of Liverpool greats.
Today, as the Reds took to the field, I was saddened by the fact that Luis Suarez made a poor decision not to shake Patrice Evra's hand. Suarez may still be feeling that he got the short end of the FA ruling and eight game ban, but he absolutely had no reason to take it on to the field.

By the way, I don't agree with him that he got the short end of the ruling, since it was based on what he said. No need revisiting that.

Back to Suarez not shaking hands. What he doesn't realize is that by his actions, he has alienated an entire race and many fans of football by staying true to what he said to Evra - "I don't talk to Blacks". I'm fairly positive that this was not what he had in mind, since he moved to shake Rio Ferdinand and Danny Wellbeck's hands.

I don't blame Rio for refusing to shake his hand, but I applaud young Danny Wellbeck for staying a gentleman. Also, it was good to see Liverpool Captain quickly explaining to Suarez that his actions were wrong. Two wrongs never make a right; Wellbeck and Gerrard both represented their club colors well.

Liverpool certainly have a big problem on their hands, but it is still rescuable. They need to do two things -

  1. Manager Kenny Dalglish needs to swallow his pride and condemn Suarez's actions
  2. Liverpool Football Club should fine Luis Suarez a week's wages to make a statement that they want to keep the game respectable.
If Dalgish and Liverpool do not handle the situation immediately, this will continue to be an issue and the player and/or Manager will have to leave at the end of the season. Protecting Suarez while tarnishing Liverpool's name and Dalgish's legacy is a huge price to pay. 
Money can buy another Suarez, but money can't buy Liverpool's name and what Kenny Dalglish means to them.

Time for Liverpool to step up and take action. 

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